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发布日期:2013-02-28  浏览次数:1886
Songshan Lake Laboratory Animal Sci. & Tech. Park of Southern Medical University (Songshan Lake Pearl Laboratory Animal Sci.&Tech. Co.,Ltd, Dongguan) was foundedunder the background that the State Council's Pearl River Delta Reform and Development Outline (2008-2020) puts great emphasis on the development of biomedicine and biotechnological breeding, which aimsto promote the development of biotechnological breeding, biomedicine and the related industry in Dongguan and the Pearl River Delta. The company accomplishes this goal by making full use of the capital, way of management, industrial development and geographical advantages of Songshan Lake, as well as the resources, talents and advanced technologies of the Southern Medical University. The first phase development fund hasreachedmore than 100million Yuan.


Ourcompany aims to establish a domestically leading and internationally advanced laboratory animal resource platform, which provides a wide range of laboratory animals (from rodents to large mammals) and highlights the distinguishing features of large animals (non-human primates, beagles dogs and mini-pigs). At the same time, it will also provide one-stop services of laboratory animal breeding and experimental support. It will be unique and the best in the industry of biotechnology, standardizing laboratory animal research and the development of new drugs, as well as promoting information exchange and CRO services. We make efforts in creating a platform for biomedical research and facilitating the development of drug screening, safety evaluation and applied research on majormodelsof human diseases. We strive to make it become a public service platform of laboratory animal which is based in Guangdong but inspires Southern China (including Hong KongandMacau)and Taiwan and influences the world.

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百年精进(东莞)管理咨询服务有限公司 [2017/12/5]
广东比派科技有限公司 [2017/12/5]
东莞市煌健汽车销售服务有限公司 [2017/12/5]
中国国旅国际旅行社股份有限公司 [2017/12/5]
松山湖国学文化中心 [2017/12/5]
中国平安财产保险股份有限公司东莞松山湖营销部 [2017/12/5]
中信证券股份有限公司东莞松山湖证券营业部 [2017/12/5]
东莞市凯业投资有限公司 [2017/12/5]
东莞台湾青年创业服务中心 [2017/12/5]
长江证券松山湖营业部 [2017/12/5]
东莞市宏古智能电子科技有限公司 [2017/12/5]
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地址:广东省东莞市松山湖高新科技产业开发区礼宾路1号松山湖控股大厦8楼808室 邮编:523808 电话(0769)22891919 22892032 传真:(0769)22891278
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